Just go to the charts/pathstats already.

My charts aim to correspond as closely as possible with ajanata's in appearance and score calculation and for the most part I believe they do.

Note that the first time a particular chart is accessed (or if I delete the charts to fix a bug or something), it will take a few extra seconds as the chart is generated on-demand. Subsequent requests will return the cached PNG. If I do delete the PNGs when they need to be regenerated, the existing direct URLs to the PNG will still work.


At the bottom right of each measure, the black score is the measure's base score (no multipliers), below that the red score is the cumulative score to that point with multipliers (no bonuses, and the green score is the cumulative score with multipliers and solo/BRE bonuses. OD beats are drawn in blue. For drum parts with measures with fills, to the left of the base score is the number of points not under a drum fill in red.

The cumulative score for drum charts is drawn. This does not account for notes that you don't get points from under active drum fills and as such will obviously overestimate the chart's base score. Perhaps in the future I will do something about it.

Below each set of measures for multi-part charts, the black score is the points obtained in just that measure with the current multiplier for each part and the green score is the cumulative band score with multipliers and solo/BRE bonuses.

At the bottom left of drum fills is the time since the last OD note. At the bottom right of vocal fills is the time from the end of the last note until the beginning of the next note if the gap is >= 600ms. This includes gaps within a phrase. Note that the game adds some amount of padding that I do not account for currently so the activation window is smaller than the listed time. For OD phrases where there is a fill afterward, the time from the end of the last note in the OD phrase until the end of that phrase is drawn and then the time from the end of the OD phrase until the start of the next note. This is to help since you don't get OD until the end of the phrase, not the end of the last note in the phrase.

My pathstats aim to serve the same function as Kawigi's, namely multi-instrument pathing.

Note that pathstats are generated on-demand in the same manner as the charts, though since they are just text files it is much faster.

The score is calculated in the same way as my charts, except that it is divided by OD beat instead of by measure. Thus any errors will exist in both the charts and pathstats and any bug fixes will also apply to both. Since I use the same system for both, it also means you can choose any arbitrary instrument and difficulty combination. You are not limited solely to guitar/bass/drums/vocals. All columns will still be the same so that you only need my one Excel template regardless of which instruments are in use. Simply ignore the columns for the unused instruments. Note that this means you have the option to pick all five instruments, but that data will not be helpful due to the way all instruments mode works.

The format of the text files is different from Kawigi's to accomodate additional features and to make equations in the Excel template simpler. The general idea is the same in that each row represents a chunk of time of the song. To this end, I have extensively modified Kawigi's template, with the help of LordRylen. I have added comments to the header cells in the template which you can see by hovering over the cells with red triangles in the upper right corner. Basically you need to paste or paste special the contents of the generated text files into cell A6, which is highlighted red if there is nothing in it.

It should be mostly self-explanatory with the exception of the OD Deployment columns. In Kawigi's template, you put an "x" or "y" in the column to indicate that OD was active for the whole time or half the time of the current row's timespan. In my template, simply put the number 1 or 0.5 where you would have put x or y respectively. Additionally you can put 0.75 or 0.25. Unfortunately I have not yet determined an equation that will work for arbitrary values so you must restrict yourself to the 4 options (or blank of course).

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The columns are as follows:

Also see my drum trainer charts.